#!/usr/bin/env python3 from __future__ import annotations import base64 import dataclasses import fcntl import hmac import http import http.server import logging import math import os import os.path import shutil import shlex import signal import subprocess import sys import traceback import urllib.parse import trio import yaml _log = logging.getLogger('git-build-triggers') logging.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO, ) class UnixFileLock: __slots__ = ('_path', '_fd') def __init__(self, path: str) -> None: self._path = path self._fd: int | None = None def acquire(self) -> bool: if not self._fd is None: raise RuntimeError(f"UnixFileLock({self._path!r}) already locked; re-entry not allowed") fd = os.open(self._path, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC) try: fcntl.flock(fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) except OSError: os.close(fd) return False else: self._fd = fd return True def release(self) -> None: fd, self._fd = self._fd, None if not fd is None: fcntl.flock(fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN) os.close(fd) @dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True, kw_only=True) class Job: repository: Repository lock: UnixFileLock @dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True) class JobQueue: parallel: int _queue: trio.MemorySendChannel[Job] _rx: trio.MemoryReceiveChannel[Job] def __init__(self, *, parallel: int = 1) -> None: self.parallel = parallel self._queue, self._rx = trio.open_memory_channel(math.inf) async def run(self) -> None: limit = trio.CapacityLimiter(self.parallel) async def work(job: Job) -> None: try: async with limit: await job.repository.update() try: os.remove(job.repository._path_rebuild) except FileNotFoundError: return # build again await self._queue.send(job) finally: job.lock.release() async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery: job: Job async for job in self._rx: nursery.start_soon(work, job) def queue(self, job: Job) -> None: trio.from_thread.run(lambda: self._queue.send(job)) def stop(self) -> None: self._queue.close() JOB_QUEUE: JobQueue @dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True, kw_only=True) class Repository: name: str workdir: str token: str = dataclasses.field(repr=False) command: str config: Config = dataclasses.field(repr=False) _path_gitdir: str = dataclasses.field(init=False) _path_lockfile: str = dataclasses.field(init=False) _path_lastbuild: str = dataclasses.field(init=False) _path_rebuild: str = dataclasses.field(init=False) def __post_init__(self) -> None: self._path_gitdir = gitdir = os.path.join(self.workdir, ".git") self._path_lockfile = os.path.join(gitdir, "build.lock") self._path_lastbuild = os.path.join(gitdir, "build.status") self._path_rebuild = os.path.join(gitdir, "rebuild_flag") def _writestatus(self, commit: str, message: str|bytes) -> None: if isinstance(message, str): message = message.encode() tmpname = self._path_lastbuild + ".tmp" try: with open(tmpname, "wb") as lastbuild: lastbuild.write(commit.encode() + b"\n" + message) os.rename(tmpname, self._path_lastbuild) except OSError as e: _log.error(f"{self.name}: Failed to update {self._path_lastbuild}: {e}") async def _run_git(self, cmd: list[str]) -> bytes: result: subprocess.CompletedProcess[bytes] = await trio.run_process( [self.config.git_path] + cmd, cwd=self.workdir, capture_stdout=True, ) return result.stdout async def _update(self, last_commit: str) -> None: _log.info(f"{self.name}: Updating git") # remove all ignored/untracked files and directories: await self._run_git(["clean", "--force", "-d", "-x"]) await self._run_git(["remote", "update", "origin"]) branch_name = (await self._run_git(["rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"])).decode().strip() await self._run_git(["reset", "--hard", f"origin/{branch_name}"]) commit_id = (await self._run_git(["rev-parse", "HEAD"])).decode().strip() if last_commit == commit_id: _log.info(f"{self.name}: No changes (still {last_commit})") return # no changes build: subprocess.CompletedProcess[bytes] = await trio.run_process( shlex.split(self.command), cwd=self.workdir, capture_stdout=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, check=False, ) self._writestatus(commit_id, f"Exit code: {build.returncode}\n".encode() + build.stdout) # again: remove all ignored/untracked files and directories: await self._run_git(["clean", "--force", "-d", "-x"]) _log.info(f"{self.name}: Built {commit_id} with exit status {build.returncode}") async def update(self) -> None: """should only be called while holding lock""" try: with open(self._path_lastbuild, "rb") as lastbuild: last_commit = lastbuild.readline().strip().decode() except FileNotFoundError: last_commit = "none" try: await self._update(last_commit) except Exception as e: _log.error(f"{self.name}: Failed {last_commit}: {e}") self._writestatus(last_commit, str(e)) def check(self) -> tuple[int, bytes | str]: if not os.path.isdir(self._path_gitdir): return (500, "Missing .git directory") lock = UnixFileLock(self._path_lockfile) if lock.acquire(): JOB_QUEUE.queue(Job(repository=self, lock=lock)) else: # tell current job to restart when finished: with open(self._path_rebuild, "w"): pass # if current job finished before seeing our trigger, # remove the trigger and just run it ourself if lock.acquire(): try: os.remove(self._path_rebuild) except FileNotFoundError: # something saw the trigger and handled it # - no need to build again pass else: JOB_QUEUE.queue(Job(repository=self, lock=lock)) try: with open(self._path_lastbuild) as f: return (200, f.read()) except FileNotFoundError: return (200, "never built yet") @dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True, kw_only=True) class Config: repositories: dict[str, Repository] address: str port: int basepath: str admin_token: str git_path: str parallel_jobs: int def handle(self, req_path: str, auth: str) -> tuple[int, bytes | str]: url = urllib.parse.urlparse(req_path) if auth.startswith("Basic "): creds = base64.decodebytes(auth.removeprefix("Basic ").strip().encode()) token = creds.split(b":", maxsplit=1)[1].decode() elif auth.startswith("Bearer "): token = auth.removeprefix("Bearer ").strip() else: return (401, "Missing authentication") name = url.path.removeprefix(self.basepath).strip("/") if not name in self.repositories: return (404, "Not found") repo = self.repositories[name] if ( not hmac.compare_digest(token, repo.token) and not (self.admin_token and hmac.compare_digest(token, self.admin_token)) ): return (401, "Invalid token") return repo.check() def load_config(path: str) -> Config: with open(path) as f: data = yaml.safe_load(f) assert isinstance(data, dict) data_repositories = data.pop('repositories') assert isinstance(data_repositories, dict) address = data.pop("address", "") assert isinstance(address, str) port = data.pop("port") assert isinstance(port, int) parallel_jobs = data.pop("parallel-jobs", 1) assert isinstance(parallel_jobs, int) basepath = data.pop("base-path", "/") assert isinstance(basepath, str) assert not basepath or basepath.startswith("/") admin_token = data.pop("admin-token", "") assert not admin_token or len(admin_token) >= 16 git_path = GIT = shutil.which("git") if not git_path: raise RuntimeError("Missing git binary") config = Config( repositories={}, address=address, port=port, basepath=basepath, git_path=git_path, admin_token=admin_token, parallel_jobs=parallel_jobs, ) for repo_name, repo_data in data_repositories.items(): workdir = repo_data.pop("workdir") assert isinstance(workdir, str) token = repo_data.pop("token") assert isinstance(token, str) and len(token) >= 16 command = repo_data.pop("command") assert isinstance(command, str) and command config.repositories[repo_name] = Repository(name=repo_name, config=config, workdir=workdir, token=token, command=command) return config CONFIG: Config class RequestHandler(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): server_version = "BuildTrigger" def do_POST(self) -> None: status: int body: bytes | str auth = self.headers.get("Authorization", "") try: status, body = CONFIG.handle(self.path, auth) except Exception as e: status = 500 body = str(e) traceback.print_exception(e) if isinstance(body, str): raw_body = body.encode() else: assert isinstance(body, bytes) raw_body = body self.send_response(status) self.send_header("Cache-Control", "no-store") self.send_header("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8") self.send_header("Content-Length", str(len(raw_body))) if status == 401: self.send_header("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"trigger\"") self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(raw_body) do_GET = do_POST def run(): server = http.server.HTTPServer((CONFIG.address, CONFIG.port), RequestHandler) def shutdown(signum, frame) -> None: _log.info("Shutdown") server.shutdown() JOB_QUEUE.stop() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, shutdown) async def go() -> None: async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(lambda: trio.to_thread.run_sync(server.serve_forever)) nursery.start_soon(JOB_QUEUE.run) trio.run(go) def main(): global CONFIG, JOB_QUEUE import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--config', required=True, help="Path to YAML config file") args = parser.parse_args() CONFIG = load_config(args.config) JOB_QUEUE = JobQueue(parallel=CONFIG.parallel_jobs) run() main()