361 lines
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361 lines
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#!/usr/sbin/nft -f
# Template notes: most variables should have an obvious meaning, but:
# - client_ipv4: private IPv4 network for clients (not routed outside), connected
# - client_ipv4_public: public IPv4 network for clients, must be routed to this host
# and should be blackholed here.
# - client_ipv6: public IPv6 network, must be routed to this host, connected
# NOTE: mustn't flush full ruleset; need to keep the table `captive_mark` and its set around
# flush ruleset
# fully whitelist certain sites, e.g. VPN gateways your users are
# allowed to connect to even without accepting the terms.
define full_ipv4 = {
<%- @whitelist_full_ipv4.each do |n| -%>
<%= n %>,
<%- end -%>
define full_ipv6 = {
<%- @whitelist_full_ipv6.each do |n| -%>
<%= n %>,
<%- end -%>
# whitelist http[s] traffic to certain sites, e.g. your
# homepage hosting the terms, OCSP responders, websites
# to setup other Wifi configurations (cat.eduroam.org)
define http_server_ipv4 = {
<%- @whitelist_http_ipv4.each do |n| -%>
<%= n %>,
<%- end -%>
define http_server_ipv6 = {
<%- @whitelist_http_ipv6.each do |n| -%>
<%= n %>,
<%- end -%>
option ntp-servers <%= ', '.join(@ntp_servers_ipv4) %>;
option dhcp6.sntp-servers <%= ', '.join(@ntp_servers_ipv6) %>;
# whitelist your DNS resolvers
define dns_server_ipv4 = {
<%- @dns_resolvers_ipv4.each do |n| -%>
<%= n %>,
<%- end -%>
define dns_server_ipv6 = {
<%- @dns_resolvers_ipv6.each do |n| -%>
<%= n %>,
<%- end -%>
# whitelist your (and possible other friendly) NTP servers
define ntp_server_ipv4 = {
<%- @ntp_servers_ipv4.each do |n| -%>
<%= n %>,
<%- end -%>
define ntp_server_ipv6 = {
<%- @ntp_servers_ipv6.each do |n| -%>
<%= n %>,
<%- end -%>
# ports to block traffic for completely
## block traffic from clients to certain server ports
define backlist_tcp = {
25, # SMTP
161, # SNMP
135, # epmap (netbios/portmapping)
137, # TCP netbios-ns
138, # TCP netbios-dgm
139, # netbios-ssn
445, # microsoft-ds (cifs, samba)
define backlist_udp = {
25, # SMTP
161, # SNMP
135, # UDP epmap (netbios/portmapping)
137, # netbios-ns
138, # netbios-dgm
139, # UDP netbios-ssn
445, # UDP microsoft-ds (cifs, samba)
5353, # mDNS
## block traffic from certain client ports
define backlist_udp_source = {
162, # SNMP trap
# once a client accepted the terms:
# * define "good" (whitelisted) traffic with the following lists
# * decide in "chain forward" below whether to block other traffic completely or
# e.g. shape it to low bandwidth (also see shape_non_whitelisted.sh)
define whitelist_tcp = {
22, # ssh
53, # dns
80, # http
443, # https
3128, # http proxy (squid)
8080, # http alt
110, # pop3
995, # pop3s
143, # imap
993, # imaps
587, # submission
465, # submissions
1194, # openvpn default
# https://help.webex.com/en-us/article/WBX264/How-Do-I-Allow-Webex-Meetings-Traffic-on-My-Network
define whitelist_udp = {
53, # dns
123, # ntp
443, # http/3
1194, # openvpn default
51820, # wireguard default
500, # IPsec isakmp
4500, # IPsec ipsec-nat-t
10000, # IPSec Cisco NAT-T
9000, # Primary Webex Client Media
5004, # Webex Client Media
# whitelist traffic to local sites
define whitelist_dest_ipv4 = {
<%- @local_site_prefixes_ipv4.each do |n| -%>
<%= n %>,
<%- end -%>
define whitelist_dest_ipv6 = {
<%- @local_site_prefixes_ipv6.each do |n| -%>
<%= n %>,
<%- end -%>
# IPv4 HTTP redirect + SNAT
table ip nat4 {}
flush table ip nat4
table ip nat4 {
chain prerouting {
type nat hook prerouting priority -100;
policy accept;
# needs to be marked from client interface (bit 0), captive (bit 1), and http dnat (bit 2) - otherwise accept
meta mark & 0x00000007 != 0x00000007 accept
tcp dport 80 redirect to 8080
chain postrouting {
type nat hook postrouting priority 100;
policy accept;
# needs to be marked from client interface (bit 0) - otherwise no NAT
meta mark & 0x00000001 != 0x00000001 accept
oifname <%= @uplink_interface %> snat to <%= @client_ipv4_public %>
# IPv6 HTTP redirect
table ip6 nat6 {}
flush table ip6 nat6
table ip6 nat6 {
chain prerouting {
type nat hook prerouting priority -100;
policy accept;
# needs to be marked from client interface (bit 0), captive (bit 1), and http dnat (bit 2) - otherwise accept
meta mark & 0x00000007 != 0x00000007 accept
tcp dport 80 redirect to 8080
# ipv4 + ipv6
table inet captive_filter {}
flush table inet captive_filter
table inet captive_filter {
chain antispoof_input {
# need to accept packet for input and forward!
meta mark & 0x00000001 == 0 accept comment "accept from non-client interface"
ip saddr {, <%= @client_ipv4 %> } return
ip6 saddr { fe80::/64, <%= @client_ipv6 %> } return
# we need the "redirect" decision before DNAT in prerouting:-100
chain mark_clients {
type filter hook prerouting priority -110;
policy accept;
meta mark & 0x00000001 == 0 accept comment "accept from non-client interface"
jump antispoof_input
meta mark & 0x00000002 == 0 accept comment "accept packets from non-captive clients"
# now accept all traffic to destinations allowed in captive state, and mark "redirect" packets:
jump captive_allowed
chain input {
type filter hook input priority 0;
policy accept;
# TODO: limit services available to clients? iptconf might already be enough
chain forward_down {
# only filter uplink -> client here:
iifname != <%= @uplink_interface %> accept
oifname != <%= @client_interface %> accept
# established connections
ct state established,related accept
# allow incoming ipv6 ping (ipv4 ping can't work due to NAT)
icmpv6 type echo-request accept
chain antispoof_forward {
meta mark & 0x00000001 == 0 goto forward_down comment "handle forwardings not from client interface"
ip saddr { <%= @client_ipv4 %> } return
ip6 saddr { <%= @client_ipv6 %> } return
chain captive_allowed_icmp {
# allow all pings to servers we allow other kind of traffic
icmp type echo-request accept
icmpv6 type echo-request accept
chain captive_allowed_http {
# http + https (but not QUIC)
tcp dport { 80, 443 } accept
goto captive_allowed_icmp
chain captive_allowed_dns {
# DNS, DoT, DoH
udp dport { 53, 853 } accept
tcp dport { 53, 443, 853 } accept
goto captive_allowed_icmp
chain captive_allowed_ntp {
# only NTP
udp dport 123 accept
goto captive_allowed_icmp
chain captive_allowed {
# all protocols for fully whitelisted
ip daddr $full_ipv4 accept
ip6 daddr $full_ipv6 accept
ip daddr $http_server_ipv4 jump captive_allowed_http
ip6 daddr $http_server_ipv6 jump captive_allowed_http
ip daddr $dns_server_ipv4 jump captive_allowed_dns
ip6 daddr $dns_server_ipv6 jump captive_allowed_dns
ip daddr $ntp_server_ipv4 jump captive_allowed_ntp
ip6 daddr $ntp_server_ipv6 jump captive_allowed_ntp
# mark (new) http clients to redirect to local http server with bit 2
tcp dport 80 ct state new meta mark set meta mark | 0x00000004 accept comment "DNAT HTTP"
# mark packets to reject in forward with bit 3
meta mark set meta mark | 0x00000008 comment "reject in forwarding"
# for DNS+NTP
ct timeout udp-oneshot {
protocol udp;
policy = { unreplied: 10, replied: 0 }
chain forward_reject {
# could reject TCP connections with tcp reset, but ICMP unreachable should be good enough
# (and it's also semantically correct):
# ip protocol tcp reject with tcp reset
# ip6 nexthdr tcp reject with tcp reset
# but we need to close existing tcp sessions: (when client moves to captive state)
ct state != new ip protocol tcp reject with tcp reset
ct state != new ip6 nexthdr tcp reject with tcp reset
# default icmp reject
reject with icmpx type admin-prohibited
# block some ports always
chain blacklist {
tcp dport $backlist_tcp goto forward_reject
udp dport $backlist_udp goto forward_reject
udp sport $backlist_udp_source goto forward_reject
# ports we assume are "proper" - still only allowed in non-captive state
chain whitelist {
ip daddr $whitelist_dest_ipv4 accept
ip6 daddr $whitelist_dest_ipv6 accept
tcp dport $whitelist_tcp accept
udp dport $whitelist_udp accept
ip protocol esp accept
ip6 nexthdr esp accept
icmp type echo-request accept
icmpv6 type echo-request accept
# icmp related to existing connections, ...
ct state established,related accept
chain forward {
type filter hook forward priority 0;
policy drop;
jump antispoof_forward
# optimize conntrack timeouts for DNS and NTP
udp dport { 53, 123 } ct timeout set "udp-oneshot"
jump blacklist
# reject packets marked for rejection in mark_clients/captive_allowed (bit 3)
meta mark & 0x00000008 != 0 goto forward_reject
jump whitelist
# optional (policy):
goto forward_reject comment "drop not-whitelisted traffic completely"
# (conntrack) mark connection with bit 4 for shaping
ct mark set ct mark | 0x00000010 counter accept comment "accept shaped traffic"
chain forward_con_shaped_mark {
type filter hook forward priority 10;
policy accept;
# copy conntrack mark bit 4 to meta mark bit 4
ct mark & 0x00000010 == 0 accept comment "non shaped connection"
meta mark set meta mark | 0x00000010 counter accept comment "shaped connection"
# NOTE: mustn't flush this table to keep the set around
# flush table inet captive_mark
# as table wasn't flushed, at least delete the single chain we're expecting
table inet captive_mark {
chain prerouting { }
delete chain inet captive_mark prerouting;
table inet captive_mark {
# set isn't recreated, i.e. keeps dynamically added members
set allowed {
type ether_addr
flags timeout
chain prerouting {
type filter hook prerouting priority -150;
policy accept;
iifname != <%= @client_interface %> accept
# mark packets from client interface with bit 0
meta mark set meta mark | 0x00000001
ether saddr @allowed accept
# mark "captive" clients with bit 1
meta mark set meta mark | 0x00000002
# further existing elements in this table won't be cleared by loading this file!